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It’s important to us that our clients feel fully informed and confident when working with us.

That is why we have made a list of past clients’ questions along with answers from our experienced team.
Browse through the information below, and if you have a question that isn’t included here, feel free to reach out to us today.

1. How does it work?
We do all your paper work and we provide step by step advice and a full backup service. You can also call or message us anytime for advice.
2. Do I need to be legally separated?
No once you are separated at least 2 years, you can apply for a divorce.
3. What if I was married in the UK or Aboard?
You can still divorce here, as long as you are a resident of Ireland.

4. What if I did not get married in a church?
This does not effect your divorce.

5. Does my husband/wife have to agree to the divorce?
No they will receive the papers and they have 3 options,
-contest the divorce 
-ignore the papers or
whatever they decide the Divorce will still go ahead.

6. How long does it take?
From 3 to 6 months

Still have questions? Reach out and a member of our team will get back to you ASAP.

0876725988 /0872109964

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